Reverend John Cranmer Dening


It is my sad duty to inform everyone that my father, John Dening, passed away peacefully at his home in Suffolk on Monday 7th July 2008.

In accordance with his wishes, my partner and I will be continuing the sale of his three books.  You can contact us at to place an order.  The books are also available on Ebay under the username of plantagenet_publishing.



My apologies that this first version of the web site is rather "basic".  Over the coming months we will be adding a short biography covering John's life and work together with copies of the original transcripts and audio recordings of the séances that formed the basis of the three books.  We hope that these will be useful for students or anyone conducting their own research.

On the subject of research, I am going to take the opportunity to recommend that you visit the web site of Peter Underwood.  Peter is a World-famous paranormal investigator, for whom Dad had the greatest respect.  Peter spent a number of years conducting his own investigations into the Langenhoe hauntings.


Adrian Dening



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Site updated: 2nd December 2008